THE WHY: Lanshin Gua Sha Tools

THE WHY: Lanshin Gua Sha Tools

In all honesty, we have been looking at carrying Gua Sha tools from Lanshin for a while now. They are one of the few items that we recommend clients utilize at home. Liz and I have been a fans for years and always thought our clients would be as well. 

All of that being said, I wasn't sure if it would be appropriate for us to offer them. I didn't want to be a part of the problem of perpetuating cultural appropriation of a practice. A problem that is quite prevalent in the skincare industry.  After listening to panels on the subject, I felt like we found our place. 

We are incredibly proud to say that we now offer Gua Sha tools from Lanshin! A tool that we routinely use in our own homes.  

We strongly encourage all clients to follow @treatmentbylanshin. Liz and I do not teach Gua Sha techniques, or use them in practice. 

It is incredibly important to support Gua Sha tools from TCM practitioners and to learn from TCM practitioners on the appropriate uses and techniques. There are so many applications, contraindications, and research in the use of this tool. We must look to those who are actually trained in the practice. 

Treatment by Lanshin has a large library of tutorials, discussions and tips for utilizing your Gua Sha at home and educating yourself on the practice. We strongly encourage that you check it out!


- lauren

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